When JSON returns a string of associated arrays, do this….
Sometimes a sql query via Ajax to a php program as below…
var stmt = "select p.columnP1, s.columnS1, c.columnC1, c.columnC2, s.columnS2 from SomeTable s inner join AnotherTable a on a.id = s.atID inner join AThirdTable t on t.id = s.attid
…and because multiple rows are returned, JSON encoding creates a it a string of associated arrays to Javascript…
You can process it by making your jquery handler look something like this….
$.get('getTheRow.php', {sqlStmt: stmt}, function(data) { // you can see the elements by looping through the object as follows: var i; for(i in data){ // I usually make the first element a success indicator // hence, the test for i==0... remaining elements // 1 thru n, where n is the size of the array // are the data. if(i==0) { alert(data[i].successindicator); } else { alert(data[i].columnP1); alert(data[i].columnS1); alert(data[i].columnC1; // if an array element is null, detect it as follows: if(data[i].columnS2 == null) { alert ('yippee... null detected!!'); } } } }, 'json');